The Crescent Primary School

The Crescent Primary School

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Pupil voice

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Pupil voice







Pupil Voice at The Crescent Primary School

At The Crescent Primary School, we believe that empowering our pupils and giving them a voice is essential to our vision of nurturing and challenging children to believe and succeed. As an academy, we are dedicated to providing all our children with extraordinary school days and preparing them to become global citizens.

Elected Pupil Leaders

To ensure our pupils have a meaningful say in shaping their school experience, we have established a robust system of elected pupil leadership roles. Each year, our Year 6 pupils elect a Head Pupils, who work closely with the Head Teacher to represent the views and interests of the entire pupil body.

Additionally, every class from Reception to Year 5 elects two School Council representatives. These elected council members meet monthly with the Head Teacher to discuss how the school can be improved, drawing on the ideas and feedback gathered from their classmates.

Engaging with Trust Leadership

To further amplify our pupils’ voices, the School Council also meets termly with the CEO of our trust. This provides an opportunity for our student leaders to share their perspectives and feedback directly with the trust’s senior leadership, ensuring that the priorities and concerns of our school community are heard at the highest levels.