Lateness and Absence
Both of these are damaging to a child’s education and need to be avoided where at all possible. To reward excellent attendance and good punctuality, children will receive a certificate each term for 100% attendance and a chance to win a bicycle for 100% attendance for a full academic year.
Registration and Punctuality
The Crescent Primary School recognises the importance of education and learning and therefore operate a ‘soft start’ for our children in the morning. This means that our gates will be opened at 8:30am, allowing the children to walk straight to their classrooms. Children will not be required to line up on the playground. All children should be in their classrooms by no later than 8:50am, where the school gates are locked, class registers taken and school day begins.
Electronic registration is used in all year groups and taken twice per day at 8:50am and 12:40pm for Key stage 1, 1:30pm for Key stage 2. A school day counts as 2 marks of attendance.
Morning registration ends at 8:55am if a pupil arrives after this time he/she should be accompanied by the parent to the main reception where they will be recorded as late and the time of arrival noted. Any pupil arriving after 9:25am will become an unauthorised absence and marked as an absentee for the whole of the morning session.
It is essential that children arriving and leaving school with a parent/carer outside the normal school hours are signed in or out from the school office. The signing in/out register in the office is used in the case of an emergency or a fire drill..
Please note the school day ends at 3:20pm for all children. Please be prompt when collecting your children from school. Late collection fee applies to children who are not collected by 3:40pm.
The Education Welfare Officer will be informed of persistent latecomers.
Illness and Medical Appointments
Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside of school hours. The school would encourage all parents to make appointments first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon however, we are aware that appointments during school time are sometimes unavoidable. If it is necessary for a child to be out of school for this reason, the child should be returned to school directly after the appointment.
Following an episode of vomiting or diarrhoea pupils are requested to remain away from school for a period of 48 hrs. This is in line with guidance from the Health Protection Agency for schools and childcare settings and helps to reduce the spread of infection between pupils.
Parents and carers are requested to telephone the school on the first day of absence, before 9:30am or as early as possible, to report their child’s absence. Parents should ring 020 684 8283, to report their child absent, providing the child’s name, class and reason for absence. If you are unable to speak to a member of the office team please leave a message with the details.
If the school has not been informed of the reason why a pupil is absent on the first day of absence, the school’s Attendance Officer will endeavour to contact the parent/carer by telephone by 10:30am. If we are unable to get in touch with the parent/carer, all contacts provided will be called in order of priority. Please make sure these are kept up to date.
If there is any doubt regarding the whereabouts of a child, the school will contact the parent/carer by telephone in order to ascertain the safety of the child.
If your child is absent for more than one day you will need to inform the school office each morning for the duration of the absence. This information is required as part of our safe-guarding procedure and our responsibility to ensuring the safety of your child
To ensure the safety of all pupils, contact details need to be kept up to date by supplying the school office with any change of address or home and mobile telephone numbers
Holiday requests are not authorised. The application is made using a form from the school office and when a decision is made, a written response is returned to parents\carers.
Unauthorised leave will trigger a referral to the EWO and may lead to the issue of a Penalty Notice per parent/carer, per child. Penalty Notices are issued to each parent of each child and the ammount of the penalty is £120 to be paid within 28 days, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days.